1. Extraction and glide erase settings
A: If it occurs before the start of printing, you need to modify the value of "restart extra extrusion distance" in the slicing software to a negative value; for example, if the drawback distance is 1.00mm and the restart extra extrusion distance is -0.2mm, then the drawback distance will be 1.00mm when printing, but the return will only be 0.8mm. The problem of traces appearing. If these marks occur after each layer has been printed, then another setting called "Glide Erase" needs to be adjusted, this setting will cause the extruder to stop extruding near the end, release the pressure and terminate the glide path. Adjust this value until the trace disappears. Normally this value is set to 0.2-0.5mm.
2. Avoid unnecessary pumping back
A: In general, in the slicing software, there will be "only when crossing the open area back to the pumping" option, open this option, the 3D printer will not open back to the pumping when crossing the internal space of the object. This can reduce the occurrence of traces, in addition to bowden class extruder, and extruder extrusion wheel farther away from the nozzle, turn off the pumpback may be better performance.
3. Non-stationary pumping
A: Regular pumping is characterized by a pause in the pumping process, which is not suitable for bowden extruders with high internal pressure during printing. Some slicing software can be set to "wipe the nozzle" option, turn on this item will enable the printer to continue to move in the pumping back. Generally wipe the distance set to 5mm.
4. Set the print start point
A: All the slicing software to provide the option to print the starting point, this option can be specified in accordance with the user's position to start printing. Such as a building, you can set the starting point in its back, so that when printing these traces will be arranged in the back of the building, in the front is not visible in these points.