Industry Applications

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What disruptive changes will additive manufacturing and generative AI, bring to manufacturing?

Release Date:2023-10-22

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, as an emerging manufacturing technology, it completely changed the product design and manufacturing process, is regarded as the "gas pedal" of scientific and technological innovation in many fields, supporting the development of manufacturing innovation and key basic technology, for accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the traditional manufacturing industry has a positive significance; on the other hand, generative AI in the manufacturing industry application scenarios are also being extended, in product design and optimization, production process optimization, intelligent manufacturing, personalized customization and so on, showing more and more strong vitality.


© 3D Science Valley White Paper

On the afternoon of October 21st, the first digital additive fund initiator - Heshijia Asset, together with Suzhou Industrial Park Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. and 3D Science Valley, jointly held a closed-door seminar on additive manufacturing + generative AI application scenarios with the theme of "Volume and Entropy Reduction" in the Artificial Intelligence Industrial Park, the carrier of SISPARK (Suzhou International Science and Technology Park), where a number of academicians, experts, and entrepreneurs in the field of additive manufacturing and AI, as well as nearly one hundred persons in charge of the head enterprises of the manufacturing industry from Suzhou in various segments of the industry, engaged in a passionate exchange of views and discussions around the hot issues mentioned above.SISPARK(Suzhou International Science and Technology Park (SISTP)The topics discussed by the participants during the seminar were covered. The following is a sharing of that coverage.


Additive Manufacturing + Generative AI Application Scenarios Workshop Site

Volume Bureau and Entropy Reduction

As an asset management company with a long history of researching and investing in "digital technology and intelligent manufacturing", Heshijia Asset focuses on growth-oriented entrepreneurs' capital allocation services, and is deeply engaged in the industry research and investment in digital technology and digital creation, and is the manager of China's first special fund for digital additive manufacturing, which is dedicated to promoting the application of advanced underlying technologies in the industrial side.

Bai Hao, CEO of Heshijia Asset, pointed out in his speech:

The integration of additive manufacturing and artificial intelligence (AI) technology is opening up unlimited new opportunities for the manufacturing industry. A new cycle of Compo has begun, and the 3D printing market is currently facing a leap forward. According to the 2023 Wohlers report, by 2028, the global additive manufacturing market revenue size is expected to exceed $50 billion, while by 2032 it will exceed $100 billion.

Bai Hao also posed the open question, "Smart Manufacturing for All, Can it be realized in 2035-2050?" Bai Hao also raised the open question "Can everyone's smart manufacturing be realized in 2035-2050?", which triggered active thinking and discussion among the audience, and the interactive atmosphere was warm.

Zhang Feng, Chairman and General Manager of SISPARK, introduced the development history and business environment of the Park and SISPARK to the hundreds of experts and entrepreneurs present. He said that the park continues to open up and innovate, and the investment environment is becoming more and more mature, providing a broad stage for cross-border investment business. Investors attach more importance to the technological progress and innovation ability of the industry, and "Additive Manufacturing + Generative AI" has undoubtedly become a hot direction in the future.

As an important support carrier of Suzhou National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Pilot Zone, SISPARK continuously expands application scenarios including AI+manufacturing, focuses on high-end innovation elements, accompanies science and technology enterprises from startup, growth, listing to globalization all the way to growth, and empowers them throughout the whole process, and has already formed a digital economy innovation cluster with AI as the core, and has cultivated a total of 19 listed companies, which has vigorously promoted the development of strategic emerging industries in the park. SISPARK has formed a digital economy innovation cluster with artificial intelligence as its core, cultivated 19 listed companies, and strongly promoted the development of strategic emerging industries in the park. In the future, SISPARK will combine its specialized cross-border investment system to help technology enterprises seize new technology applications such as additive manufacturing and generative AI, and continuously strengthen their ability to link up in domestic and international markets.

In the seminar, one of the pioneers of 3D printing technology, academician Wu Xinhua delivered a speech entitled "Metal 3D printing and certification", which showed the latest progress and cutting-edge exploration of metal 3D printing technology in depth.

Wang Xuanze, CEO of Genesis Materials Deep Manufacturing, pointed out:

Through generative AI and large model algorithms, material manufacturers can explore the performance and structure of materials at the microscopic level. Meanwhile, additive manufacturing technology greatly reduces the R&D cycle and manufacturing cost of new materials, providing downstream manufacturing industries with more accurate and higher performance material choices. It can be said that generative AI and additive manufacturing realize the perfect combination of design development and manufacturing.

In the roundtable forum on the same day, more than 10 senior experts in the industry had an in-depth discussion on the possible scenarios of "Additive Manufacturing + Generative AI" application innovation and the potential changes to the traditional manufacturing industry under the combination of the two technologies. The guests actively interacted with each other and shared their experiences and insights in practice, which was very rewarding for the audience.

In recent years, the park has enlarged the basic advantages of manufacturing industry, strengthened the intrinsic empowerment of science and technology, promoted the integration and innovative development of intelligent manufacturing, focused on planning, guiding and cultivating artificial intelligence and other emerging industries, and forward-looking layout of the new track of "future industry" to accelerate the creation of world-class industrial innovation clusters.

As the core area of the National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Pilot Zone, the Park adheres to industrial innovation as the leader, scientific and technological innovation as the driving force, and open innovation as the support, and accelerates the construction of the artificial intelligence technology application demonstration system featuring "AI+Manufacturing".2023, the Park has cumulatively released a list of three batches totaling 24 application scenarios, and organized 10 application scenario docking series activities. In 2023, three batches of 24 application scenarios have been released, and 10 application scenarios docking series activities have been held, and the digital economy has achieved positive results in empowering the high-quality development of the economy and society.

Through unremitting efforts, the park's artificial intelligence industry has made a series of remarkable achievements. It has maintained an increase of about 30% for many consecutive years, and has gradually grown into a new engine for the development of artificial intelligence industry in the Yangtze River Delta region. In the first three quarters of this year, the output value of the AI industry in the Park exceeded 75 billion yuan, and there were more than 1,600 AI-related enterprises; 18 enterprises were listed on the stock market, and according to the "Chinese Cities Artificial Intelligence Development Index Report", Suzhou ranked the sixth in the country for two consecutive years in 2021 and 2022, and ranked in the national first echelon.

Industry insiders said: with the development of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing and other new technology fields, the integration of generative AI (Generative AI) and additive manufacturing technology has brought disruptive changes to the manufacturing production process. The combination of generative AI and additive manufacturing will be more widely used. These new technologies will enable large-scale, real-time data analytics that will further drive intelligent and automated change in manufacturing. Government and industry organizations will also play an important role in promoting the combination of these two technologies. By formulating relevant standards and policies, as well as establishing an industry-university-research cooperation platform, they can provide strong support for technological innovation and industrial application, and inject new vitality into the future development of the manufacturing industry. At a time of increasingly fierce global competition, enterprises and governments should seize the opportunities brought about by this combination of technologies in order to realize disruptive change and high-quality development in the manufacturing industry.

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